Saturday, May 29, 2010

Never been here before!

I love going down to the creek above Angle Orchard but had never been above the creek crossing on the trail leading to lady bug saddle from A. Orchard.  I went with Kam/Chad this afternoon and it was quite warm!   We need to find a better place to see the falls that are in the bottom right of this picture because they were not too visible from on top.
I love this shot.  I had to crouch down under the fallen log to get this view of the creek. 
I found this shot online of the Ash Creek falls.  Does this picture look familiar????  I really want to go here! 

Right this minute Don is on his way to London and I am left behind :(   He served his mission there and has always wanted to go back.  I can't wait to hear about his adventures.  I wish I could have called in sick for a few weeks and joined him!

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